Are you struggling because you feel far from being what a Christian should be? This post is for you.
This week I was studying the topic "my identity in Christ". It has been a real blessing. Often times when I study that topic or read about it, I have found that people will talk about all the Bible verses that tell us who we are in Christ. Things like:
I am a daughter of God
I am loved
I am wonderfully made
I am blessed
I am saved
The list goes on.
But the reality is that, I don't know about you, but for me, those statements actually made me feel afraid sometimes. Why? Because I felt like I wasn't doing the things I should be doing in order to be called those things. I was measuring up. How can I be saved when I am sinning? How can I be blessed if I am disobeying? How can I be a daughter of God if I often do the works of the devil?
You see, although those statements are true, they are conditional. And so it just made me feel even worse about my condition and helpless. I would think, man I have no idea how to get there, I'm just so ---- fill in the blank.
So as I was studying more, I came to look at these passages and my identity in Christ through a different lens.
We, as Christians, are defined by God already is scripture. He has told us who we are in His eyes once we become Christians and He's also given ample wisdom in regards to how to live as a one. How to live like Jesus, the perfect one.
Often, this can be intimidating because we are so far from perfection. What we fail to remember sometimes is that Christianity is a journey. Our relationship with Jesus is a journey.
When we get married, many of us struggle because we don’t know the other so well. Most often, when marriage is done right, the best part of it is the older you get. Why? Because you understand one another better, love each other more deeply and know what to do and not to do to please the other. Our relationship with Jesus is kind of similar. The only difference is that Jesus is perfect. He doesn't make mistakes and doesn't mess up. He already understands us perfectly, loves us unconditionally (greatest type of love there has ever been) and knows us like no other. We, on the other hand, are far from understanding and knowing Him the way He knows us. We fail Him, hurt Him, misrepresent Him and misunderstand His intentions and His character all the time. Yet He still remains faithful to us. He's a great husband so to speak. We look at Him and think that we are unworthy of being called His because He's so good. How can someone so good want me? We look at His perfection of character and how He treats us and think how can I ever treat Him like He treats me, I’m so evil in comparison? It's so hard to be good.
And that's where we're stuck!
We don't give ourselves the room to grow and sometimes we think God doesn't either but He does! Of course, He presents to us the standard of perfection which He wants for us, He doesn't lower it just because we're sinful. What He does do though is expect that it takes time to mold us back into His image. He understands that habits take time to break and some things are harder to give up than others. He understands our individual backgrounds and our struggles. This is why the Bible constantly talks about being hopeful. Hopeful in what? In Christs soon return, sure. But also, to be have hope that we, through the power of Christ in us, will be better.
being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6
In the verse above we read that the work being done in us is just the beginning. He began this work. It’s not finished yet. That's the confidence we need to have, the hope we need to have. That even though we see our defective characters and how far we are from the goal, Christ will finish the good work He has started in us. HE will finish it. Not US.
But sometimes we think this work is ours. The work of changing. It’s not! That’s a lie. The change lies in Christ. What's our job? All that Jesus asks for us is to let Him in. For a relationship. Getting to know Him better and enjoying Him in our lives.
Hope - Believe – Ask – Receive .
Saying “God I cannot do this, please transform my heart”.
Here's a beautiful statement from author Ellen G. White that tells us:
“If Thou canst do anything, have compassion on us, and help us.” How many a sin-burdened soul has echoed that prayer. And to all, the pitying Saviour's answer is, “If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.” It is faith that connects us with heaven, and brings us strength for coping with the powers of darkness. In Christ, God has provided means for subduing every sinful trait, and resisting every temptation, however strong. But many feel that they lack faith, and therefore they remain away from Christ. Let these souls, in their helpless unworthiness, cast themselves upon the mercy of their compassionate Saviour. Look not to self, but to Christ. He who healed the sick and cast out demons when He walked among men is the same mighty Redeemer today. Faith comes by the word of God. Then grasp His promise, “Him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out.” John 6:37. Cast yourself at His feet with the cry, “Lord, I believe; help Thou mine unbelief.” You can never perish while you do this—never. DA, 429.1
All we need to do on our part is to cast ourselves at the feet of Jesus and tell Him to help our unbelief. That's amazing to me because even if we don't believe, which is something we think is so fundamental to being a Christian, we still have hope. Because He works out that belief within us! We just need to go to Him.
Go to Jesus. Go to Jesus. Go, go, go!
We put in His hand the authority to work in us. Many of us think that our part is to struggle and with all our efforts overcome. It’s not! Our part, the effort that we need to put in is consistently asking God to help us. I am telling you by experience that only then He gives power to do His will.
So often I’ve been in situations that I was like no God, I do not want to do that. I know it’s probably Your will but I don’t want to. I don’t even want to consider it. God please help me because I can’t see how I’ll change my mind. Please change my heart. And you know what? I always find myself changing after that prayer. It's truly supernatural. Whether it be right after, later that day or in the days to come. Something happens that gives me power to overcome. God makes me think of different aspects to the situation. Someone speaks to me in a way that totally makes sense and relates to my struggle. God changes circumstances to give me time to make the right decision. And then, I have power to do right. Yeah, I won’t lie most times it’s still a little of a struggle, but the difference is the desire and the power that comes with it. I no longer feel like I need to do the things because I am forced. Rather, my desires change, my mindset shifts and I see things through the lens of God. Having His law in my heart rather than in my mind.
"The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, In those who hope in His mercy." Psalm 147:11
God knows we are weak, He wants us to hope in the fact that He is merciful and can help us.
Hope: a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen. / a feeling of trust
Are we trusting that God can help us? Are we expecting our characters to change over time and become more like Him? Or are we looking at how bad we are and expecting to just become worse because we're so useless and bad? Some of us even go as far as self-sabotaging because we feel like what's the point of even trying? We feel worthless and don't even bother asking Him for help AND believing He will help.
We're missing the focus guys!!!
Like many of us will say that we ask Him for help all the time but the question is how do we go about it?
Do we ask :
"Oh God, please help me I am so this and that etc." and then finish our prayers feeling worthless like nothing is going to change because we suck as a person.
Do we ask the same thing and say
"God I know that Your word says that if I go to You, You will not cast me out, You will help me, You will forgive me, You will give me a new heart. I know that You are going to work in me all those things I am asking help for. And my hope lies in Your promise that You will finish this work in me. I believe, help my unbelief.".
These are two very different prayers. The first prayer we leave feeling completely discouraged and hopeless. The second we feel revived and so happy that we serve such an amazing God who is forgiving and is working to help us despite how bad we get.
Our identity in Christ is not just who we are and want to be. It’s who we’re becoming.
We need to stop focusing on who we are and start focusing on who we want to be, who we are becoming. Who we want Jesus to make us into. You won't be like Jesus in a day, it'll take years of casting yourself at the feet of Jesus, asking and letting Him in change your desires and thoughts.
This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope.
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed, Because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.
But keep hoping and letting God work in you. His compassions are new EVERY morning. That's just so beautiful to me. There is hope, always. We are not consumed.
"Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13
"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31
"but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 3:18
This is how we ought to grow. We grow in grace. We grow in the forgiving gift of Christ. Accepting His grace in our lives and getting to know Him on a daily basis is what allows us to grow into the identity He desires for us.
I really hope that this message is one that will help you in your relationship with Christ and that it will strengthen it. If you have experiences or comments about this topic please share with us below, I'd love to hear from you.
May God bless you and give you the hope to persevere through this journey. So worth it. God's presence in our lives is so worth anything.
Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, Your word is powerful. It tells me who You are and who I am. Who I am becoming and who I was created to be. Help me daily to set my standards high and abide in You that You can work in me the changes that need to happen. In Jesus name, Amen.
Much love and smiles,
Nahisha :)