Recently, most governments around the world have decided to encourage social distancing amidst the new coronavirus pandemic. This has cause many to feel isolated and sad, especially here in North America where we are constantly on the move. But what if God has a higher purpose in allowing this social distancing to occur?
As we experience self-isolation, I'm sure many of us have become restless. We are the society constantly claiming "I'm bored" to any lack of entertainment and stimulation. Being isolated has lead many of us pacing around trying to fill the time with something to do, something to keep us distracted that the day may go by faster.
For the past century, this world has changed faster than ever before. The population has increased like crazy and technology has advanced like no one thought it would just 30 years ago. We are constantly bombarded with distractions and entertainment that finding ourselves isolated, we know not what to do. We are becoming so absorbed in the material things of this world, things that mankind has created that I think most of us have forgotten to get in touch with the one who created us: God.
As we pace around looking for something to do have we ever stopped and asked ourselves what is it that we are running away from? Perhaps our life so far has just been an escape to the reality we experience deep within. The reality is we all have a void inside, an emptiness that leads us to seeking out things to fill it. This social distancing time is a great time to stop for a minute and try to hear what's been missing in our souls.
You see many people don't believe in God because their senses cannot grasp Him. They claim they cannot see, hear or touch Him. But what if God has been trying to speak to us? Could it be that God has been trying to speak to us all this time but we've been too busy living out our distracted lives? I believe the best way to learn about God and how He works is to go to the Bible, right to the source and see what He has revealed Himself.
In the book 1 Kings, chapter 19, of the Bible, one of God's servant called Elijah has an experience with God where he learns one of God's ways of communicating. Knowing how mighty and powerful God is, one would tend to think God would communicate with us in grandeur and through crazy signs and wonders. This is exactly what Elijah thought when He was seeking God's voice. However, the Bible says:
"And behold, the Lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks in pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice." 1 King 19:11-12
God spoke in a still small voice, in the quiet. When all distractions are laid aside; work, parties, events, school, hobbies, social gatherings.. whatever it may be, this is the time to hear God speaking to us.
Perhaps we've spent too much time being busy being busy. In this fast-paced world we live in I think many of us have never stopped to ask ourselves essential questions such as:
What is my purpose?
Is there more to life than birth, childhood, school, work, retirement and death?
What is the point of my earthly goals? Are they truly valuable?
Or have we simply given up?
There is much more to life than earthly achievements and as times get harder and the signs of the end are nearer than ever, are we truly holding onto what is valuable? I think now is the perfect time to give God a chance to let Him prove to us that He indeed exists and has a higher calling for us all. Let us lay aside distractions during this social distancing time, and try to listen to the voice of God ringing through our conscience. Through simply talking with Him, being genuine in your questions to Him, reading His word (the Bible) and spending time in His creation, nature, I believe God will reveal many things to us if we just listen for once instead of always giving our opinion.
There are so many things to say on this topic and by God's grace I hope to unravel certain things in my following blog posts. But until then, I hope you guys will take the leap in seeking God and tasting for yourselves whether or not He is truly good. You won't be disappointed!
May God bless you all abundantly.
Much love and smiles,
Nahisha :)