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Asking God For the Big Things » Ephesians 3:20-21

God is amazing. God is Mighty. Praise His name!

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Ephesians 3:20-21

God's Might

I love this verse !! God is able to do not just more than what we ask or think but exceedingly abundantly above all that!

Is there something so big you've wanted in this life but never think you can receive? Things like winning a million dollars, visiting all the countries of this world or doing your dream job. This verse teaches us that regardless what we ask or think, no matter how impossible or hard it may seem to reach, God is able to do more than that. Not just go beyond our expectations but exceedingly above them! That's the power of God in our lives. Why shouldn't we trust a God who is able to give us all we need and more?

There are no problems too big for Him to solve.

Story time

Once upon a time, there was a king who owned practically the whole world. He was the richest man on earth and had the most power. He could do anything!

One day, he told his servant to go and announce to the common folk that anything they asked for, the king would grant. So, a great number of peasants came in line asking the kings servant what they wanted.

Many would ask for money to pay off their debts, buy land etc. Others would ask for rare medicine to heal their sicknesses. And the list goes on.

Then, one day, a young man came to the servant with his request. He told the servant he wanted the king to make him ruler of a whole country, owner of big pieces of land, have a wonderful woman to marry and he wanted to be the richest person in the country he owned.

The servant nearly passed out! He told the guy to leave right away unless he wanted to die! Who did this man think he was? The servant thought he was mad and told him to never come back.

But the king overheard that there was a dispute going on so he called his servant to him.

"What did that man ask you of me?" asked the king to the servant.

The servant, trembling for fear the king would take his life for such a request, answered: "it was foolishness, my king, nothing worthy of your time!".

"Answer me servant", replied the king.

And so the servant started to explain what happened. When the servant was done talking, the king stood up with a big smile on his face and said: "Grant this young man his request! He is the first one to ask me something that only a king as rich and powerful as I am can offer. Because he acknowledged my greatness by asking for something so great, let him be recompensed!".

The servant nearly passed out!!

The End.

Who reminds you of this king?

I hope you're saying: God !!!!

That's us sometimes with God. We're like "Dear God, can you please get me this job, money for a house, find me a spouse etc etc.". But we never think to ask Him for the big stuff, the seemingly impossible stuff. Like, "God, please bring this person I love to a knowledge of you", "Please show me in a specific way what is Your plan for me" etc. etc.

So don't be afraid to ask God. He's the Creator of the universe. He can give you all things if it's in accordance with His will. Let's have more faith and dare to ask for more. Not just things for ourselves but for others as well. And most importantly, let's give God time to work out those things by being patient in waiting for His answers.

Prayer to pray: Thank you God for your patience with our faithlessness at times. We pray that You would remind us daily of Your power so that we would go through life with much less stress and worry. Please help us to trust in You and believe in Your greatness. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Please comment below what you thought of today's verse!

Much love and smiles,

Nahisha :)


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