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Feeling too Guilty to Run to Jesus? - Romans 8:38-39

This morning I was continuing my reading in the book of Hosea but couldn't really concentrate too well. So, I decided to google a daily verse and I stumbled upon

Romans 8:38-39. In turned out to be a quite interesting verse for me at this time so I decided to share my thoughts on it. Read on!

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come,

39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans

Wow! That's a pretty big statement there. I feel like it aligns so well with what I experienced yesterday.

Yesterday, my husband and my sister organized a surprise birthday gathering for me and it was great. At the end of it, I put my son to bed and was looking forward to spending time with God. I was expressing my gratitude to God for this time He allowed me to have and I just wanted to spend time with him.

But the whole time I was putting my son to bed, I felt this tug of war going on inside me. My spirit wanted to spend time with God while my flesh kept distracting me to do other things. I was also tempted to not spend time with God out of guilt. I had a nice time with my friends and family but I must say I ate a bit more pizza and dessert than I should have. Health is important to me and one aspect I try to aim for is temperance in all things which I failed to achieve last night.

So I felt guilty.

And, sometimes, when we feel guilty we don't want to spend time with God. We're afraid because we feel like we did something wrong. But what we should be doing is the exact opposite! We should go to God, ask for forgiveness and move on and do better with His help.

Just a few months ago, I would've felt too ashamed and guilty to go to God. I would've felt depressed all day about it. Satan would have succeeded at his work of separating me from connecting to God. That was because I didn't know God enough. I didn't know His love. But, as I get to know God more and more and understand His goodness, I say with confidence, that truly, nothing can separate us from His love. Once you know how much He loves you, that means you know that He will not reject you or push you away if you go to Him. Even if you messed up. Even if you hurt Him. When you know this, even your guilt, your shame and your mistakes won't separate you from God. They'll only draw you closer to Him, the only source of help and healing.

I absolutely love this passage from the book Ministry of Healing:

He who healed the sick and cast out demons when He walked among men, is still the same mighty Redeemer. Then grasp His promises as leaves from the tree of life: “Him that cometh to Me I will in nowise cast out.” As you come to Him, believe that He accepts you, because He has promised. You can never perish while you do this—never.

This is sooooo powerful!

As Christians, sometimes we're so afraid that our actions will make it so we are not accepted in the sight of God. That we've lost eternity with Jesus because of our mistakes. But the statement above explains the gospel so well. The good news is that we can never perish while we go to Jesus and believe He accepts us. The good news is that we can be saved. We can be helped. We can be healed. If we just go to Him and let Him work.

Grace. God's grace. That's the solution to guilt. Remember God's grace towards you. He loves you. He is not like us, humans, who reject others when they hurt us or are unforgiving of those who make mistakes towards us. He is forgiving and loving. He is awesome! So let's not be afraid to go Him with all our weaknesses. Jesus said so Himself:

Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick Luke 5:31

I really want to encourage you all to go to Jesus, our Great Physician, that you may be healed and forgiven and relieved from the burden of your guilt. He heals all sicknesses. You can go to him with all your baggage, all your mistakes, all your sins, all your flaws etc. He will receive you with open arms.

I really hope this will helps you in your Christian journey and that it will bring you in a closer relationship with God. That's the whole point of salvation, being reconnected to God as we were before sin entered our world.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or comment down below!

God bless you all and don't forget that He loves you.

Much love and smiles,

Nahisha :)


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