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Gratefulness: A Weapon Against all Troubles

Covid-19 crisis. Talk about a troubling time! It affects each individuals in different aspects. Financially for some. Physically for those working in the health field and working non-stop. Mentally for the lack of work and study. And for some like me, socially. However, this morning I've learned a precious lesson as to how to grow stronger from this: gratitude. Read below for more information!

When reading through the second book of the Bible, Exodus, we learn about the Israelites journey throughout the wilderness. God delivered them from their captives in Egypt and was leading them to Canaan, the promise land for them to inhabit. However, this journey lasted 40 years and had its own troubles of itself. They lived off a simple diet in a land of deserts and of pits, a land where no one lived in because of its perils and discomforts. Nonetheless, God was there with them each step of the way to strengthen, guide and protect them.

Despite God's presence and protection, at many times the Israelites forgot about that. They would forget for a moment that they were protected, fed and guided. So much so that this would lead to them to complaining and murmuring against God. They focused so much on the negative that they were blinded to the amazing things God was doing for them. God provided food from heaven that they be fed, He made water come out from a rock and split the Red Sea to deliver them from their captives! Yet, they still found something to be dissatisfied with. Sounds a bit like some of us?

To tell you the truth, that definitely sounds like me this past month! The Bible teaches us to follow government authorities as long as they do not go against God's law (Luke 20:25). So it was important for me to respect the recently given laws on social distancing. This implies I couldn't see my family or friends, as many of us have been experiencing, and felt lonely at times. Although at the beginning I thought it was great because I was spending more time with God, eventually it started getting harder the more I dwelled on it. I started complaining (poor husband) about the situation and obsessing over the news in the hope that restrictions would be lessened! However, that didn't happen. I complained and murmured and quite honestly, felt miserable like any who complains. But today, I can say I am finally at peace with this.

So how do you get peace in times of trouble? The Bible teaches us three important things on this:

1. "You shall not follow a crowd to do evil" (Exodus 23:2)

Have you ever realized what happens when you see someone yawning? When someone does it you automatically feel the need to join in. The same applies to complaining! When we hear other complain about something, I don't know why - perhaps out of solidarity or feeling of unity - but we tend to join right in! However, the Bible teaches us a precious principle here: do not follow in with the evil others do. Don't give in to complaining because others do it but rather switch the focus to the positive aspects!

2. "Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, And for His wonderful works to the children of men!" (Psalm 107:21)

If we can summarize this in one word it would be: gratitude. As a Christian, thanking God for all that is going good in our lives is what helps to bring peace and comfort to our souls. Looking to the things we have and not the things we lack. Doing this, we will start feeling much more rich in good things in our lives. I promise if you start focusing on the good things God has given you in your life, life will have a much sweeter taste to it!

3."Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7)

What a beautiful promise! God doesn't want us to be anxious about anything. He is in control of all and knows our needs better than anyone else. He asks that we come to Him and make our requests known through prayer and supplication. This means: communicating! He knows our thoughts already so there's no point in trying to hide that and complain. We need to come to Him and tell Him what is bothering us, so that this way He can help us. Prayer is truly powerful. When you start understanding God speaking to you and helping you, you will be amazed. I tell many people that I don't need a therapist for my problems, I just need to keep connected with God and truly He helps me understand my thoughts and patterns better than any. He is the true Healer. And spending time with Him and communicating with Him truly brings a peace that is difficult to describe. God loves us and wants this precious relationship with us so that He can help us through anything. He is the source of all things, only He can provide the strength and comfort in times of need.

So in summary we need to stop following into other peoples patterns of complaining and negativity and focus on the positive (my sister loves to say that!). Second, we need to thank God for all that we have and look to the good things in our life not the bad or what we lack. And lastly, we need to go to God with our cares and worries and He will help us. He will grant us peace by helping us to see just how blessed we are!

In other words, we need to be grateful.

I thank God for teaching me this lesson. I feel much more at peace with the decisions taken by our government now and will use this alone time wisely instead of complaining and feel miserable about it. Praise God for the lovely weather coming so that we can start spending time outdoors in the sun. I hope you also will take hold on these actions to help during troubling times. I promise they will help you in all aspects of your life. There can be no regret in following the gratitude way.

May God bless you all abundantly!

A prayer to pray: Dear God, please forgive me for forgetting your goodness to me. Help me in these difficult times to overcome. Give me guidance as to how to go through this. Strengthen me and grant me peace. Thank you for all the good things in my life, help me to focus on that more. Thank you for Your comforting Words. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Much love and smiles,

Nahisha :)


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