As you go through the Christian walk, do you find yourself speeding? Or enduring? Well let me tell you a bit of my story:
I was baptized as a child in the Greek Orthodox church. However like many, I was not a practicing Christian. I went to the occasional Easter events until I was about 12 and would only enter church for weddings and baptisms. Until not too long ago, in 2016, I met my Saviour Jesus-Christ and there began my Christian journey.
I was baptized in the Seventh-Day Adventist Church and quickly learned about many of its doctrines. I ran with every bit of truth that fell my way such as: modest dressing (no pants, long skirts/dressses etc.), proper eating habits (not overeating, not eating too late etc.) and things like giving up television and popular music. It wasn't even difficult, that's the best part! I was reading a lot from author Ellen White who gives great counsel on Christian living and felt inspired but overwhelmed by all the duties to be performed as a Christian. Quickly, I found myself becoming more and more afraid of doing wrong so I became very strict with the things I followed - thinking this was what will get me to heaven in a way.
However, despite my stern discipline in dress, in daily devotions, daily prayers, exercise, forcing myself to go to church events, forcing myself to do "Christian-like" things - there was still missing something inside.
A love for Jesus. On the outside, I seemed like the "classic" Christian: modest dressing, no swearing, helpful, kind, praising God, following the rules but I found myself wondering; is it really supposed to be such a robotic experience? I constantly heard sermons about how once you love Jesus the rest comes easy, but did I truly grasp what that meant? About a month ago, I was tired of the anxiety that came with constantly fearing doing wrong and feeling judged by God so I stopped everything. I stopped praying and reading the Bible because it felt like I was going at it in a robotic way which I don't believe God appreciates very much. Imagine being in a relationship and having to force yourself to spend time with the other - how would the other feel? Anyways, time went by and life was definitely NOT better. Once you've experienced a relationship with Jesus on any level and leave it - I believe it is impossible to find contentment with anything else in life. Because the love of Jesus and his presence in life is the best thing that can be. So I was pretty empty inside, I would say.
But, one day by God's amazing workings in me, I decided to ask my brethren to pray for me which was very difficult considering my pride but it was the BEST decision I could've taken. In the matter of days I saw myself wanting to know God more and slowly started praying again.
So you guys are probably like - what about speed and endurance??? It's coming !!
As I was praying God revealed to me that through my Christian experience I was trying to speed my way to the kingdom of God. But the Christian experience is one of a whole lifetime of struggling against our nature to overcome evil through the power of Jesus Christ. It is NOT something that happens in a few years but it's a battle until Jesus comes back or until death. The Bible compares the Christian walk to a race and tells us "run with endurance the race that is set before us" (Hebrews 12:1).
Now why do you think Paul tells us to run with endurance and not speed?
Let's think of the Christian walk as a marathon. Imagine beginning a 10km marathon and trying to speed your way through.
What do you think would happen?
Most probably you would find yourself ahead of all competitors after a minute but in reality you would really be behind because you would become tired, overworked and lose concentrations. You'll start falling behind because you're trying to get back the energy to keep going but will have lost most of it when speeding. Then slowly but surely you regain the energy (Jesus working His power in your life to bring you back to Him) and again you try speeding because you feel as though you're too far behind everyone else. And the cycle continues, you gain power, you speed, you tire, you quit.
In other words, Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit awakens you, you run without taking your time to really embrace each step of Christianity and try to do all the work yourself, you get tired because as humans we can't do it ourselves in so little time, you get discouraged - you quit.
But don't you see? God wants it to be a much more different experience for us! I was there too and trust me it's tiring. God's wants us to endure through the experience not merely survive.
Let's take a look at the definition of endurance:
Endurance: the ability or strength to continue or last, especially despite fatigue, stress, or other adverse conditions; stamina
So how do we do this ?
By taking our time on this Christian journey.
Not trying to go through the Bible super quickly for example without really grasping the meaning it has for our lives. The Bible teaches us an important principles:
"For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little" (Isaiah 28:10).
A little at a time we are to learn. It's better to become very knowledgeable on one topic at a time then to know vaguely what the whole Bible is about. So what I've been learning now is to take it slow. God's desire is not for us to be perfect tomorrow. God's desire is that we work daily, consistently on resisting temptation, overcoming sin by His power and increase our knowledge of His love for us and what His son has done for us.
So my advice to all is please do not rush your Christian experience. Be sure of everything you undertake before you begin. Be sure you understand the reasons for doing what you do and not just doing it because you heard a powerful message about it. Study for yourself and take your time! If you have questions, ask God - I promise He is the best at answering. Take the time to really understand your faith and what you do before jumping to next steps of the Christian experience. I believe that this way it will be difficult nonetheless but much more gratifying and enjoyable than miserably going through a set of rules daily with no grounded reasoning behind it.
Now, please do not take this as though I am saying that obedience is not necessary. That's not what I'm saying. I'm saying that make sure you understand what you are obeying and that you love the One (Christ) you obey first.
On this note, I wish you all a blessed experience in Jesus-Christ. I know it is a tough race but one that is so much more gratifying than anything else in this world. If you have any questions or anything please do not hesitate to contact me through the contact box above.
And if you have time, please comment below on what you thought of this and how this might or might not relate to you!
May God bless you all.
Much love and smiles,
Nahisha :)