Ever heard the saying "ignorance is bliss"? The reality is that knowledge comes with responsibility and not everyone is ready to commit to that responsibility. But what does the Bible have to say about choosing to be ignorant rather than knowing the truth?
Let's take a look!
In this age of information, we are constantly bombarded with so-called knowledge. But to be honest, in order to find real knowledge and truth, one needs to dig a little deeper. Even in todays society where all is readily accessible. To find truth and increase in knowledge we can't just take everything we read online as correct. One needs to look at the source of the information, the historical evidence for it as well as scientific evidence and more.
So even though we have been blessed to have so much access to information today, Satan has used this culture of quick learning to make us lazy! It's so easy to find information that most of us do not take the time to put in the work it takes to really have true knowledge.
Why do you think Satan wants us to be lazy in that regard? Well, the Bible tells us that:
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.
Because you have rejected knowledge,
I also will reject you from being priest for Me
God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Not just any lack but rejection of knowledge. Some people do not have any access to knowledge about God, the Bible or any truth for that matter. These are not the people spoken of here. Here, God speaks about people who have access to knowledge but reject it. Willingly ignorant!
Why willingly ignorant?
The enemy wants us to remain ignorant, because he knows that if we remain that way we will perish in our sins. How many of us find ourselves in that position? Refusing to learn about things you know you might not like to hear? How many of us refuse to hear the truth about the food we eat? About simple teachings from the Bible that to some seem outdated?
How many stop themselves from seeking the truth with all their heart by fear of what they might learn? We think that ignorance is bliss because this means we can keep doing what we want without our conscience bugging us. But the reality is that lack of knowledge simply leads to a miserably life. Only by knowing God can one be truly at peace and joyful in this life.
Many of us feel as though God's law and His will for us is oppressing. As though we are being forced to do something we don't want. But we fail to look at the bigger picture and that's why many Christians are miserable in their walk with Jesus. They obey with a resentful and unjoyful heart.
Have you ever taken a walk with a toddler? How often do they want to deviate from the sidewalk and go walk in the middle of the street? I could tell you that Noam does that about 100 times just when we walk around the block. What do you do in those situations? Obviously, I take him back to the sidewalk, the safe path. Why? Because unlike him, I see the bigger picture: possibility of getting hit by a car. It's unsafe but all he sees is what he wants.
Sounds familiar?
Sounds just like us with God! God is basically pleading with us all the time not to go in the middle of the street while we're just whining about not being able to do what we want and we complain and throw adult tantrums. But God never forces the will so if we want to, He'll let us experience the consequences of our mistakes by ourselves.
God won't force you to acquire and follow knowledge but He will let you experience the consequences of rejecting knowledge.
So the reason God wants us to have knowledge of what is true and what is not is so that we can choose the right path, the path that leads to joy, peace and life.
God tells us in the Bible that He knows the end from the beginning Isaiah 46:10, He has plans to give us peace Jeremiah 29:11 and His way are higher than our ways Isaiah 55:8-9! Yet, we constantly seek to follow our own ways and plans. We get bitter and upset at God for telling us to do things we don't like instead of rejoicing that we have such a great God that wants to lead us in the best paths! Why don't we start trusting that God knows the bigger picture? We're just a small dot in the universe but God is high and mighty and He cares for even us, little frail humans. He loves us so much that He wants to guide us! He's not a tyrant seeking that all would follow Him for His own pleasure. He wants that for us because it's what's best for us. Just as we'd like our children to follow our leading right? And when they don't, we get upset because we want what's best for them. Well, imagine God! He's even more upset because He KNOWS what's best for us.
So isn't it time to embrace knowledge and stop hiding from it? Stop walking in the path of destruction by being willing ignorant and ask God to help you to seek knowledge and truth in all things.
Prayer to pray: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for all the wise counsels found in the Bible. You've given us so much information to help us grow better each day but we often choose not to dig deeper to find out about it. Help us to be more diligent in studying Your Word and also whatever else we study. Help us not to just accept just anything we read but to confirm it with Your Word and Spirit. Help us be better informed that we way be able to inform others of the great truths we learned. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post and I'd be happy to read your comments about how many you've struggled with being willingly ignorant or how you understand this passage. Thanks for reading and come again!
God bless you all.
Much love and smiles,
Nahisha :)